"Holy Spirit, The weapon of our warfare"

 written by Elegbede Samuel Mayowa

 sunday march 26 at 8:00pm

                            HOLY SPRIT, The weapon of our warfare

   Text: "For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh: for the weapons of our warfare                 are not canal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds(2 corrithians 10:3-4) 

Holy spirit is a comforter and Advocate sent to guide us and teach us word of God.  

Spiritual warfare are warfare that you fight with Spiritual almour and not physically armour, spiritual warfare is against the spirit not flesh

Roman 8:6

John 3:6

Ephesians 6 : 10

Certificate or first class is not your glory, it is just a pathway to the road of success and give room to manifestation. what will determine how jesus will manifest is the spirit of God in you, we need the holy spirit to fight the spiritual warfare, we can't fight it ordinarily with bare hand

John 6: 63

Exodus 31:3

The holy spirit is capable of given us wisdom and knowledge, it is not that the holy spirit is not ready to come but you are restricting it.

"The heart of obedience grease the functionality of the holy spirit in your life"

