Pray for men that pray for you, value their prayers

 I have a Spiritual daughter who is married with an 18 year old daughter. The Lord told me one afternoon to leave my house for her house immediately, I stopped my prayers and rushed down to her house. When I got there I knocked, it took a while before she came out. When she came out, she held my legs, went on her knees and wept.

She woke up that morning with a voice telling her to start saying goodbye to everyone because that was going to be her last day on earth. She told no one, she was just battling internally. Finally that afternoon, the same voice threatened her to go sleep and he will take her from there or he will take her violently. She went to lay down on her bed helpless, and that was when I began to knock the door.

There is a voice that is quicker than the spirit of death, it is however not automatic, that voice needs the cooperation of a man who will not say "NO" to God. She said when the spirit heard my voice in her sleep, it screamed and shouted "who called this man again?" 

Some of us are known in hell. It is however too late for the devil to do anything. You can't kill a man twice!

She would have died that day if she didn't have a father praying for her.

She would have died if she calls me her Spiritual father and yet she only follows from afar and I do not even know her name talkless of praying for her by name.

I have deep fear for some things going on quitely in this generation, I feel for a generation of men who do not believe in being accountable under anyone. Brethren, people die anointed, but no one dies under a solid cover. David knew Uriah wouldn't have died despite being placed in hot zone of the battle, he knew until the valiant men withdraw from him, he couldn't die.

Brethren, don't joke with the Ministry of men praying for you, I am not saying this to make you a slave under anyone. No true servant of God enslaves people because of their submission under him.

Pray for the men that pray for you, value their prayers.

No matter the anointing of the man praying for you, if you say "amen" with the tone of dishonor, the oil will stop flowing.

~Apostle Femi Lazarus
