"The Triumphant Entry of Jesus Christ"

 written by Elegbede Samuel Mayowa

Sunday, April 2 by 9:35pm

                                "The Triumphant Entry of Jesus Christ"

                                    Text : Mattew 21:1 -11, Zachariah 9:9

Palm Sunday is the Sunday of how God saved the world and the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. One of the reasons why we are celebrating Palm Sunday is for the prophecy to be fulfilled.

Palm Sunday is the Sunday preceding a Sunday of Easter Sunday.

                                    Significant of Jesus triumphant Entry

Jesus came to Jerusalem knowing fully he is coming to be persecuted just for you and I, and our glory to be recovered and our accessibility to be restored, Jesus has come to give us Salvation.

Jesus came so that man could be restored back to the father.

1.    It Significant Victory  -  Mattew 21:5

2.    It honors the spoken word of the lord from the old testament

3.    To showcase the glory of God as the King

4.    To honor his purpose

                            Things that hinder us from Jesus Christ

1.    Laziness 

2.    Busy Schedule

3.    Pride

4.    Arrogance

5.    Lack of Passion

6.    Full of yourself




                 HAPPY  PALM SUNDAY

